The term “jewel” has a common root with the word “joy” as the primordial value of this object is precisely that of instilling happiness. The analysis of the meaning of the jewels does not only concern the recipient, but also the author of the tribute as it implies numerous semantic values that are not always immediately understandable.
Surely the gift of a jewel, whatever it is (ring, bracelet, necklace, brooch, pendant), implies the existence of an affective transference that, in some way, binds the donor and the recipient.
For this reason, if a love relationship or friendship is interrupted, the donated jewels are often returned, this also to materially emphasize the end of a relationship.
Jewels can take on different meaning depending on their workmanship, the type of materials used and, above all, the related context.
The TROFEO JEWEL is made with selected and also expensive materials (gold, platinum …) and precious stones. In this case they emphasize the prestige and authority of the wearer.
The ORNAMENT JEWEL is focused on beauty, enhancing the qualities of the wearer, often increasing self-esteem.
The MAGNET JEWEL, is an irresistible way to win the sight, it expresses competition and comparison and it is used in particular when you want to communicate your greatness to attract the attention of others.
Wearing a jewel is the desire to be admired, stand out from the other people, but also to be self-satisfied and gratify oneself.
Based on the type of jewel chosen, it is possible to communicate different sensations connected to its symbolic meaning:
Necklace: the necklace expresses an emotional involvement in a wide-ranging that can reflect on the family affection, friendship relation or on a symbol of love when it is enriched with pendants.
Bracelet: the bracelet symbolizes no-commitment relationship, but with intention to be deepen.
Earrings: thanks to their versatility, the earrings are perfect for any occasion.
Ring: the ring is the most significant and important jewel because it is connected to a promise of love …